At Cheung’s Tailor Alterations, we believe that with excellent service and expert tailoring that would be all we needed. Then our client asked us, “well, have you ever thought about connecting with your clients another way? Maybe online?” For the past 4-5 months Cheung’s Tailor worked diligently with their design and development partner to bring you a new experience. User friendly way to demystify the world of tailoring. Here we have it, every so often we’ll update you here or also on Facebook. Our primary goal is to bring awareness. To have others understand that you don’t need to buy new clothing to achieve a new style or if something broken can’t be repaired.
We serve clients all over the Twin-Cities and including brides who come from Wisconsin, North Dakota, and other area States. 25 years in the same location, 60+ years of tailoring experience, and thousands of satisfied clients. Come talk to us, we will continually invest in you to bring you the most powerful website and services.
We also love suggestions, so shoot us an email at [email protected] and we will contact our developers right away.