If the garments were made, it can be remade. When clients go to a tailor nearby, they are able to check with the tailor to see if it is repairable. There are normally several options when it comes to Jacket Zipper Repairs.
First off understand that the cost of the jacket is and should never be a factor in the cost of repairs. For example if you purchased a Canada Goose Parka compared to an Abercrombie & Fitch Parka the price range for these winter jackets may very a lot more than a ZeroXposure Parka but the cost of repairs are not going to be the same if the same style design and zipper is chosen. Normally when you get something repaired you are paying for a service to cover the following three items.
- Cost of materials.
- Cost of time to repair the zipper.
- Skill set of the Tailor.
When you find someone to repair a zipper an experienced tailor should help walk you through a checklist of items to see if the jacket zipper can be repaired or if the jacket zipper needs to be replaced. The following would be a great at home check of if your jacket zipper can be repaired or if it needs to be replaced. Many items to check for in a broken zipper are the following. To understand the different types of zippers that are available please check out our other blog regarding types of zippers.
- Does the jacket zipper close,
- What type of jacket zipper do you have,
- Are any teeth missing in your jacket zipper,
- Is the tape torn away from the jacket zipper teeth,
- Is the bottom stoppers on the jacket zipper torn,
- Does the jacket zipper split,
- Is the “pully,” part or the slider of the jacket zipper broken?
For example if you have a jacket zipper that closes, but simply splits from the bottom then the zipper would need to be replaced. The only options for a jacket zipper repair are when the above number 1-6 are not an issue rather if the slider is broken that can be replaced
Normally zippers are molded and stamped by a machine as a whole. All other items besides a broken jacket zipper slider are able to be replaced.
So if you’re an avid skier or looking for something to repair your zipper know that it is possible.
Make sure you check with a local tailor or on the safe side contact us at [email protected] to provide you with more options and have it delivered to our online tailoring services.